After School had a fan signing today – - afterwards they went to coffee chu. Omma’s tweet after the event is below followed by PledisNews Tweet
비오는날씨에도팬싸인회에와주신 멋진울팬분들~~^^넘감사해요~오늘은기분좋은하루가될것같네요~ 모두조심히가세요^^ 안녕~♥
Our awesome fans who came for the fansign even though it’s a rainy day~~^^ Really thank you~ Today seems to be a day when my mood is good~ Everyone be careful on your way back ^^ Bye~♥
많은 비에도 불구하고 사인회에 와주신 팬 여러분들 너무 감사드립니다^^사인회가 끝난후 커피츄에서 츄러스와 음료 먹는 멤버들이 궁금하실것같아!^^살짝 공개해드립니다^^*Despite the heavy rain, the fans who came to the fansign, really thank you^^ Seems like everyone is curious when the members had churros and drinks at coffeechu after the fansign!^^ Shall reveal a little^^*