Here is a translation of the notice :
“Hi everyone,
This is Keyeast.
Kim Hyun Joong’s ‘Kiss Kiss’ MV will be released on 13th July (wednesday) at 12pm (noon).
This is Keyeast.
Kim Hyun Joong’s ‘Kiss Kiss’ MV will be released on 13th July (wednesday) at 12pm (noon).
‘Kiss Kiss’ MV will be released on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/kimhyunjoong606), official website (www.provence.co.kr hyun-joong.com) and other online music sites simultaneously.
Thank you for the attention.
Thank you for the attention.
Thanks very much.
Keyeast ”
Keyeast ”
Are you looking forward to tomorrow for the release of his new MV?
Source : Keyeast
Translation By Babyvfan / Associate Writer
Translation By Babyvfan / Associate Writer