SHINee’s Jonghyun, 2PM’s Junsu, 2AM’s Changmin, B2AST’s Yoseop, and Sistar Hyorin will have singing battles in a program. The title of this program to be aired on Saturday in KBS 2TV is . It is an idol version of the of Happy Sunday. As the original one re-introduced old hit songs by sunbae singers, idol singers will sing old-time hit songs and the sunbae singers will decide the winner. The point seems to be how well they interpret the old songs in their own styles.
KBS Kwon Jaeyoung PD said, “I got goosebumps watching idol singers in last year’s Gayo Grand Festival. There are so many good idol singers. I think it is good for both singers and viewers to have a program that offers a chance to listen to their songs.”
As to the view that the program format is similar to that of of MBC Sunday Night, he said, “If you expect to see an idol version of , you’ll be disappointed. For there is no ranking or elimination in the . I think there is no measuring music in scores.” Idol singers have been labeled “3 Second Singers” as they have to share parts with other members in a big group. This will be a good chance for them to prove their singing ability.
How did the cast idol singers respond to the suggestion? Kwon PD says (2AM Changmin part not translated), the responses were divided. It is true that it can be a burden to the singers who are already loved by the public. But it is expected they will be able to focus on their performances without the pressure of a survival game. Besides the singers mentioned above, CN Blue Jeong Yonghwa, FT Island Lee Hongki, Super Junior Kyuhyun and Yesung have expressed their intention to participate in the program. He added, “This will be a good chance for fans to watch their idols grow up through the program.”
will be aired in May~June. For better performances, the stage will have a live band. The program will also show the back stage scenes of idols arranging and practicing their songs.
[from 10 Asia http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?a_id=2011042916350165722]
Trans by jujugal
this is the complete news for the [NEWS] Idol Singers Competition in KBS New Program - 2AM news :)