2PM renewed their contract with Hanbul Cosmetics

We will still be able to meet 2PM through It’s Skin and another Hanbul Cosmetics brand commercials for a long period of time.

It was announced on the 2nd of May that Hanbul Cosmetics have renewed their model contract with 2PM.

The representatives have explained their motivation behind the renewal of the contract by saying that, during past year 2PM, who have modeled for Hanbul Cosmetics products, have appeared to be models who could communicate with female customer base, appealing to their sense and sensibility.

The value of these young men as models increased quite a lot, as they have appeared in various dramas, variety shows, and also embarked into the Japanese market.

Hanbul Cosmetics team manager Jung Hae-young revealed: “The Snail cream TV commercial shot on February was the most popular TV commercial that month, and it shows that choosing the best model for the product is very important.”

The manager also added: “We’re a hoping to succeed in communicating with our female customers via good brand marketing as well.”
Source: naver | Kor-Eng: Egle @2pmalways