Asian Tour Press Conference Interview


韓国人気グループZE:A ASIA TOUR&最新アルバム『Here I am』記者会見
South Korea Famous Group ZE:A ASIA TOUR & Recent Album 『Here I am』 Press Conference

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韓 国人気グループZE:Aが最新アルバム『Here I am』を引っさげて日本からアジアツアーをスタート。ツアー初日となる東京公演前日の5月3日、東京都内にて記者会見を行い、韓国でミュージカルに出演中 のドンジュンを除く8人のメンバーがアルバムとアジアツアーなどについて語ってくれました。
South Korea famous group ZE:A starts their Asia Tour from Japan with their recent album 『Here I am』. On the day before the first day of the tour, in May 3rd, they were interviewed by the reporters in Tokyo, excluding Dongjun who acted in a musical in South Korea, 8 members talked about their album and Asia Tour.

Q.最新アルバム『Here I am』の一番の魅力は?

ジュ ンヨン「今 まで日本でお見せしてきた僕らのコンセプトとは違っています。これまでが成熟した大人らしい青年の姿だとすれば、今回は同じ青年でも若々しく、かわいらし い姿になっています。ステージをご覧いただくとわかると思いますが、振り付けや最初のイントロを聴いただけで笑顔になれるような曲が多いので、みなさんに 愛していただければ、と思います」

Q. What is the best charm of your recent album 『Here I am』?

Junyoung: “It’s different from the concept that we have shown to Japan before. If until this day we have shown mature and grown up image, this time we show you the same young man image but more to youthful and cute image. I think if people see the stage, there are a lot of songs that will make people smile just by listen to the intro and see the choreography. So I think everyone will love it.



グァンヒ 「外国の方だったので、とても自由な雰囲気の中でのレコーディングでした。普通ならしないのですが、レコーディングのそばでダンスの振り付けをしたりして、レコーディングルームがダンスルームになりました(笑)」

Q. Is there any impression during recording?
Kevin: “We enjoyed working with American producer. Because we interacted in English, the members’ English has improved.”
Kwanghee: “Because he’s a foreigner, so we did recording with freedom atmosphere. It’s unlike the usual, we danced the choreography when we’re going to record the song, so the recording room became a dance room. (laughs)”

Q.アルバム『Here I am』の中で最も気に入っている曲は?

シ ワン「そ れぞれに思い入れがあり、1曲を選ぶのはとても難しいのですが、敢えて選ぶとすれば、『Be My Girl』です。この曲は僕たちが初めて作詞に参加して、より愛着のある曲となりました。これをきっかけに、今後はさらに積極的に曲作りに参加していきた いと思ってます」

ヒョンシク「タイトル曲の『Here I am』はメンバー全員が好きだと思うのですが、もう1曲選ぶとすれば、事務所の先輩であるV.O.Sのチェ・ヒョンジュンさんが僕たちのために作ってくだ さった曲『Again..』です。この曲で先輩と一緒に仕事をさせていたただいて、勉強になったことも多く、とても楽しかったです」

Q. What is the song that you put most feeling into it in 『Here I am』album?

Siwan: “We put feeling into each song, it’s difficult to pick one song, but if I have to choose then it’s “Be My Girl”. We participated in writing lyrics for the first time in that song, it became a song that has more affection in it. In the future, I think I want to be more active in writing song lyrics.”

Hyungshik: “I think all members like the title song ‘Here I Am’ but if I have to choose one more song, it will be the song “Again” that was written by our senior in the office, V.O.S Cho Hyunjung sunbae. In this song we worked together with our senior, we learned a lot of things from him, it’s really fun.”


ミヌ「ファンのみなさんのために作った曲『Special Day』は、僕たちにとって初めての試みだったので、とても意味のある曲になりました。特にリフレインの部分がとてもいいんですよ。ちょっと歌ってみますね」

Q. The song that you wish fans will listen to?

Minwoo: “Special Day is especially made for the sake of the fans, it was our first attempt so it became a very meaningful song. The refrain part is very good. I will sing you a bit.”
In here, he performed acapella of this song.



Q. What is the highlight of the PV that became famous?

Taehun: “There are three highlights. First, we put efforts to act really cute. Second, in the story, the 9 members try their best to protect one girl. Third, each member shows their personal special skill in it.”


ジュ ンヨン「久 しぶりの公演は5000席という僕たちにとって初めての規模のホールなので、初めて日本に来た時のように初心に戻る気持ちで向かい、”ZE:Aは変わった な”と思ってもらえるようなステージにしたいと思います。また、これまでのMCは通訳を入れて韓国語で話していましたが、明日のMCはちょっとヘタなので すが一生懸命練習して、すべて日本語でやります!」





グァンヒ「(日本語で)明日ぜひ来てくださーい!観に来てくださーい!期待してくださーい!See you tomorrow!(笑)」

Q. Please tell your ambition for the performances in Japan Asia Tour.

Junyoung: it’s our first time to hold performance in the hall with 5000 seat scale since the last time, it’s been a long time. We’re back to the original intention like the first time we came to Japan, I think I want to have stage that will give impression “ZE:A has changed”. Later, until now the MC interpreted Korean but for tomorrow the MC is a bit unskilled, but we will try hard to do all in Japanese.
Siwan: We’ll sing our part and work our best to do anything that we can as a singer. I hope that we can make everyone in Japan cheered up and I want to show the best performance entirely.

Minwoo: “This stage is intended to introduce our new song. We have prepared a lot, so we want to exceed the expectations of everyone on stage. Make sure you look forward of it!

Taehun: We want to perform a wonderful and cool stage for the sake of the fans who are always be our strength, so please expect it a lot!

Kevin: “For the sake of Dongjun who is acting in musical in South Korea, today he is not present but tomorrow we will definitely show you the images of ZE:A’s 9 members. We want to have fun.

Kwanghee: “(In Japanese) Tomorrow please come for su~re! Please come and wa~tch! Please expect it a lo~t! See you tomorrow! (laughs)”




Q. What is your #1 hope in Asia Tour?

Heechul: The biggest concern is our language. We think about whether fans will like it or not, since we prepared the words (for the tour’s speech) so it might become the point.

Siwan: We want to tell fans to cheer up certainly, I think the things we have learned back are quite lot. We want to go around Asia countries, we want to see each nation’s culture, enjoy it, and we want to go tour to experience it.


グァ ンヒ「僕 を見ていただければ分かるように僕は僕だけのカラーを持っています。同じようにメンバーそれぞれ9人9色のカラーと個性を持っているところに注目してくだ さい。もうちょっと具体的に言うと、リーダーはビジュアル、ケビンはボーカル、僕はユーモラスなギャグ、シワンはファッション、ヒョンシクはカッコいい、 ヒチョルは笑い王、ミヌはかわいい、テホンはラッパーです(笑)」

Q. What is the charm that makes ZE:A different with the other K-POP group?

Kwanghee: You’ll know if you see me that I have the color that only I own it. Same thing with the other members, please observe them, each of them have different individuality, we have 9 members 9 colors. To be specific, leader is visual, Kevin is vocal, I am gag humor, Siwan is fashion, Hyungshik is cool, Heechul is laugh king, Minwoo is cute, and Taehun is rapper. (laughs)

Q.9人でケンカすることはありませんか? 仲良くやっていく秘訣は?



Q. Is there anything that makes the 9 members quarrel? What is the secret to get along?

Heechul:”We seriously never fight even for once. Once in a while, there are conflicts of opinions because we’re boys after all, but since we spend most time together, there are a lot of times we meet face to face, so we settle it down by discussing. As for myself, I don’t think it’s hard to do.

Hyungshik: “We have opinions collide mostly when we decide the menu for meal and toilet turns (laughs) but it’s okay!”

4/27 New Album 「Here I am」Launching
5/4 ASIA TOUR Pacific Yokohama Show
5/13 ASIA TOUR NHK Osaka Hall Show
5/21 Starring Movie [RONIN POP Premier Meeting with ZE:A] Osaka
5/22 Starring Movie [RONIN POP Premier Meeting with ZE:A] Tokyo
5/23 [Here I Am] High Touch & Handshake Pacific Yokohama Anex Hall 123457

Translation: fetishoney @EmpireChildren